Top 5 Craft Shops Your Kids Will Love to Visit

If you expose your child to the wonderful world of craft shops and the various types of crafts available, it can lead to a lifelong love of arts, crafts and creative endeavors.  There are many different types of shops available, but you want to make sure that you take your child to the ones that interest him or her most.


The following are the 5 shops that your child is sure to love:


Handmade toy shops are a great choice.  The kids will get to see many toys that are very different from the video games that they play today.  These toys can stimulate the child’s imagination.


Another type of craft shop that the kids will enjoy is the pottery shop that has lets the children glaze and paint their own plates or bowls.  They can have a great time, and they can make crafts to give out as gifts to parents and grandparents.


Bead shops are a huge amount of fun.  These shops are packed to the rafters with a thousand bowels and drawers of beads, and sell chain and strings too so your kids can build their own necklaces.  Close supervision is a good idea in bead shops are spills are very common and very hard to quickly clean up!


Model shops are perfect for your budding young aeronaut.  Buy your child a simple model kit featuring the vehicle or animal of his or her interest – you can buy kit cars, motorcycles, blimps, battleships or even dinosaurs.  Supervise them when building if they are young, as strong glue is often involved.  Model aircraft building or kit car creation can lead to a lifetime’s obsession! 


Model miniature shops are increasingly popular as many of the characters tie into the video games your kids love.  They sell time, incredibly details die-cast models which your kids can glue together and paint. 


The most popular brand of miniature is the Warhammer 40K universe, available at Games Workshop stores.  The displays in the stores feature glass cases full of incredible miniature battle scenes, with scenery, vehicles, animals and soldiers, all exquisitely painted and detailed.  Learning to paint figures at such a small scale can be a wonderful challenge for your kids, that will keep them happily occupied for weeks at a time!


Other craft stores that cater to adults will also have workshops specifically for children.  They often have weekend classes where the children will be able to make their own crafts.

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