Keep These Products Away from Children

Any responsible parent is concerned about which household products are safe and which are not. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough laws and regulations to hold the manufacturers of these products accountable, so it’s buyer beware. Most of the household products you find in any normal house contain chemicals and additives that can cause liver problems, lung disease, fatigue, irritation of the eyes and skin, lung cancer and if ingested some can be fatal.


It’s also important to remember that while you’re using some of these household products (such as cleaning products), that you don’t want your children exposed to the fumes.


In addition, keep any electric products away from your children which might cause them to suffer an electric shock  or burn if wrongfully used. These include: hair dryers, curling irons, electric razors (or safety razors) and any other device which uses heat or electricity. Remember, that whenever you have any doubt, it’s better safe than sorry. Following these guidelines will ensure that you have a safe home for you and your children.


You can get peace of mind by always installing a catch or lock on any cupboard doors which contain your cleaning and personal grooming products. Children are naturally curious about everything they get their hands on, and most young children ‘explore’ a new item by putting it in their mouth. For young as well as older children, it’s advisable to show them the ‘danger’ cupboard at an early stage, and tell them that all the items in there will make them very very sick if they touch or swallow them. That way, should you ever turn your back for twenty seconds and accidentally leave the cupboard open (we’ve all done it), your children will know not to go in there and play with the items.


Here are a few of the products which you should always keep out of reach of your children at all times:

  • Carpet shampoo
  • Oven Cleaner
  • Spray air fresheners
  • Bleach
  • Stain removers
  • Wood polishes for floors and furniture
  • Disinfectants
  • Window cleaners
  • Cleaners for toilets and bathroom fixtures
  • Nail polish remover
  • Shampoos which contain tar of other scalp treatment chemicals
  • Hair sprays
  • Deodorant
  • Bubble bath solutions
  • Perfume or cologne
  • Lye
  • Mothballs
  • Hair removal products
  • Mouth wash which contains alcohol
  • Shower tile cleaners 
  • Dry-cleaning solvent
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