Why Resistance Training Sheds Weight Quicker Than Cardio

Cardio has been known as the foundation of weight loss for nearly a century.  Resistance training, on the other hand, is like cardio’s slower second cousin.  However, resistance training has as many, if not more, benefits to weight loss than cardio.


Resistance training here refers to any type of workout that causes your muscles to contract.  Resistance training can be weightlifting, elastic bands, or using your own body weight to build strength.

Burning Calories


Resistance training builds muscles, and muscles burn calories.  Lower calories = more fat loss.  Cardio burns a lot of calories, and does so efficiently.  Running, swimming, and biking can burn upwards of 500 calories per hour.  In a week, you can easily shed a pound of fat by sticking to cardio. 


However, with cardio, you only burn calories while performing the exercise.  In contrast, with resistance training, calories are not shed as much during the actual workout.  Instead of burning fat, resistance training uses glycogen stores in the blood for energy because it is much faster to utilize.


The Metabolizing of Fat


Depleting glycogen stores rather than fat may seem less beneficial, but once your glycogen stores run out, where do you think your body turns to for replenishment?  Fat and carbs!  Although you don’t burn fat right away, throughout the day your body will slowly metabolize fat in order to bring glycogen levels back to normal.  


Burn More Fat


Beyond just burning the calories, resistance training increases muscle density.  Unlike fat, muscles use energy all day, even while you sleep!  Technically, you are burning more calories 24/7, whereas with cardio, you are burning calories only when you exercise.


Increase in Strength


Besides the weight loss, resistance training increases ligament and tendon strength, as well as bone mass.  Your posture will improve, and you will be able to lift more during the typical work day. 


The Importance of Resting


Any exercise that builds muscles requires a lot of rest.  This means you do not need to spend much time at the gym, which will free up your week versus cardio.  An hour every other day is good enough to build lots of lean muscle and maintain a slim body.  This will allow you to dedicate more time to family, work, school, and relaxation.


You should rest at least eight hours a day.  Try to sleep for 10 hours, if your lifestyle allows.  Taking a mid-afternoon nap around 2:00 p.m. has shown to increase energy levels and help rebuild muscle during the day. 


Rest also helps repair muscles, which increases mass.  However, an additional benefit is lowering stress and cortisol levels.  Increased cortisol levels is linked with muscle loss, because with increased cortisol comes decreased testosterone, a muscle-building hormone.


Women and Weight Training

Although the stereotype of only men lifting weights is still present, women should not fear resistance training.  Men are programmed genetically as muscle building machines so we can fight off enemies and hunt for food.  Because women are not built for muscle growth, weight training (if done moderately)  will not make them you like an abnormally hulk-ish vein-popping beast.  Instead it will tone muscles, giving you tight arms, clean-cut abs, and a firmer backside.


Although resistance training has many benefits, it’s important to not completely ignore cardio.  Cardio increases your endurance, improves lung function, and helps tone your body.  Together, you can hit your weight loss goals faster than doing only one form of exercise.


Diet and Nutrition

Whatever exercise regime you perform, make sure you understand nutrition.  The three key ingredients to any exercise program, especially a weight loss one, are exercise, rest, and nutrition.  You should eat a balanced diet, with five to six small daily meals, to speed up metabolism.  Avoid a diet high in fats and carbs, and opt for proteins, whole grains, and unsaturated fats.

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