How Protein Shakes Help You Lose Weight

The almighty protein has been touted as the wonder nutrient of the millennium by bodybuilders and athletes alike.  From the caveman days where hunters socialized around the campfire making fun of the gatherers while chomping on the massive hind of a Mastodon, to modern day muscle men in post apocalyptic movies pouting Spanish one liners, the brawn-brains of society claim protein as their dense fibrous metal-bending foundation.


What is he talking about?  I’ll get to the point.  Protein = good.  Eating more of it can actually help you lose weight, as contrary as it sounds.

The Basics of Nutrition


First off, let’s talk about the basics of nutrition.  If you’ve read any of my previous articles, you already know that carbs, proteins, and fats make up all of our food.  Our bodies use carbs for quick energy, fat for slow energy, and proteins to build muscles.  So, what we want as fitness gurus and health enthusiasts is typically to increase muscle and decrease fat.  Protein is the magical potion that will allows us to maximize your fitness goals.

Most people say they want to lose weight. What they really mean is they want to lose fat! Most men actually want to gain muscle, but shed off a layer or three of adipose tissue.


How Protein Shakes Work


Well, how do protein shakes work into the equation?  Protein shakes are usually whey powders sold in what I like to call ‘douche-y’ containers near the Douche lane in your supermarket (i.e. health/ workout/ supplement isles).  You’ll spot them by their containers which will probably have a picture of a lightning bolt and bold upper case letters LIKE THIS! POWER PROTEIN, STEEL ARMS, MUSCLE MANIA!!  ARGHHH.  Anyway, don’t be disheartened by the desperate packaging – like Brittany Spears getting married in a white dress.  Protein shakes are one of the few supplements that actually work.

Protein shakes are just whey protein that you mix into water or milk for quick digestion.  You can get protein in your daily diet, but it’s hard to get enough without eating excess fats or carbs.  The best times to use shakes are usually after you wake up and after a tough work out.  Your body digests liquid proteins much faster than solids, so your muscles have access to these nutrients much faster.


How Protein Helps You Lose Weight


How do protein shakes help lose weight? First, if you are replacing other foods like fats and carbs with pure protein, you will lose weight.  Fat has more calories than protein, so your intake will be lower which mean less body weight. 

Second, proteins build muscle. The great thing about muscles is that they use a lot of energy just to sit there.  Fat on the other hand is pretty much useless except when needed, so it sits around your waist all day like your drunken hairy uncle Jimmy watching his soaps.  So, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn on a daily basis. 


Protein Build Muscles, Muscles Burn Fat. 


It’s that simple.

Keep in mind, protein will turn into fat if you don’t lift weights.  Lifting weights basically tears lots of tiny rips in your muscle fibers; protein rushes to heal these,. which is what makes your muscles grow bigger and stronger.  If there is no broken muscles, there’s nothing for the protein to repair or build, so your body will just turn it into fat, and you’re back at square one. 


Even weightlifting just once a week combined with protein shakes in the morning and after work outs will bring tremendous fat loss results as well as a healthier overall body.


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