How to Ease Growing Pains in Your Children

Growing pains can be quite frustrating for children, but they are also incredibly common.  Usually occurring between the ages of three and five, and then again between eight and twelve, these pains are frequent after a lot of play.  Usually felt in the legs, they may not be recognizable at first.


Your doctor will tell you that these pains are harmless, but they can certainly be uncomfortable.  Here are three great ways to soothe the pains. 




One thing to consider is helping your child learn to stretch these muscles.  A good stretch can help alleviate pain, and stretching before play can even help prevent pain afterward.  Work to teach your children toe touches and other stretches that work the leg muscles.


Try Massage


Massage can also be effective at helping to ease growing pains in children.  Gently rubbing the leg muscles can be soothing and stimulates blood flow so that the body’s natural healing and pain relief methods will be more effective.


Use Heat


Consider using heat to help your children deal with growing pains.  A heating pad placed over the sore area, or even a warm bath, can prove to be effective.  Medication may also help in the form of children’s acetaminophen or ibuprofen.  However, take caution that you never give a child any product containing aspirin.

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