Does Having Sex on Your First Date Mean Your Relationship Will Never Grow?

We’ve all heard the horror stories – having sex on the first date means that your relationship will never be about anything but sex.  In fact, many people think that being intimate on a first date is a sure sign that your relationship will never go anywhere but the bedroom. 

In fact, many relationships have gone on from sex on a first date to being very successful.  There are many other factors in a relationship that determine whether or not it is successful – sex is just a small part.  If you are worried that having sex early on in a relationship is a bad thing, then you need to take a closer look at it.


For starters, look at your new partner’s behavior.  Is the guy (or girl) interested in you outside of the bedroom?  Do you have regular dates, and if so, do you go out to nice restaurants, or do you get the feeling your lover is only taking you to the ‘cheap’ places, despite having the money to do better?  Have you been introduced to any of his/her friends and family, or is the relationship being kept a secret? 


If you find that you see all of the signs of a good relationship, there is no need to worry that having sex early on has damaged it in any way.


However, if you see signs that your lover is keeping you as a secret, is frequently blowing you off or is unwilling to acknowledge your relationship outside his or her home, then there is a definite problem.  That doesn’t mean that sex doomed the relationship – it never would have worked anyway in these instances.  Often, the person is simply too shallow to have a real relationship with you in the first place, regardless of when you first had sex.

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