How To Repair a Scratched Cabinet Wood Without Professional Help

Oh no!  Your wooden cabinet has a bad scratch on it.  Don’t worry. Even if you don’t have the money to hire a professional, there are some DIY steps you can take to ensure your cabinets look as good as new in no time. 

Wood is highly susceptible to scratches and blemishes, so rest assured many other homeowners have gouged up their wooden cabinets just the same as you.  The first step is to evaluate the damage.  Try to repair each individual scratch after it happens, as the longer you wait the more chances the scratch has to collect dirt and become discolored, which will make it harder to fix. 
First, use a way wood repair stick over the scratch.  Rub the solution on and fill the scratch mark with it.  You must buy a way stick that matches the color of your cabinet.  After this step, remove excess solution from the scratches using a cloth. 


You may also be able to use matching shoe polish if you can’t find a wood repair stick.

Next, remove the frays around the scratch using a razor.  You will need a plastic putty knife (plastic is gentler on wood than steel).  Put a tiny amount of wood filler on your knife and spread it over the scratched area.  Wipe off the excesses and allow it to dry. 

When it’s time to smooth the surface out, use sandpaper (220-grit sandpaper is the standard for home wood cabinets).  Lastly, make color corrections using wood stain.  Use a small brush to stain the wood and let it dry.  Afterward, do the same thing with varnish. 

Now, that wasn’t so hard…and it’s much less expensive than calling a wood cabinet professional!  

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