Got High Cholesterol? Here’s How to Lower it

High cholesterol levels can be very dangerous and are linked to many major medical conditions, such as heart attacks and strokes.  Your doctor will tell you that cholesterol builds up in the arteries and can block the flow of blood, while causing an array of major health problems. 

There are essentially four ways to lower cholesterol.  Medication is the first, which is something that you will need to discuss with your physician to see if you’re a candidate.  The other three ways are through weight loss, diet and exercise. 

When it comes to lowering cholesterol through diet, it is important to realize that there is both good and bad cholesterol and fat.  Ideally, you should be working to ensure that you are taking in only the good types of fat and cholesterol, which are those that come from plant based sources and fish, rather than through fried foods and animal products, such as meat and dairy.

Exercise is equally important to both lowering cholesterol and losing weight.  Studies show that the more calories you burn through moderate exercise, the lower your bad cholesterol and the higher your good cholesterol will be.  An hour a day, five days a week can be incredibly effective.  That sounds like a lot, but when you consider that the average American today watches TV for four hours a day, you’ll realize how precious that daily hour could be in saving your life someday.  

Taking the time to control your high cholesterol risk factors is essential, and by maintaining these four areas of your life, you can greatly improve your health and reduce risk factors.

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