Turn Holiday Leftovers Into Turkey Noodle Soup

Is that leftover turkey looking unappealing for you to eat for one more meal?  If so, a batch of turkey noodle soup might be in order.  Here is how to make turkey noodle soup from your holiday leftovers. This dish is incredibly tasty, and will be enjoyed by the whole family.   

To make this easy turkey noodle soup, all you will need is one and a half cups of sliced carrots, cubed potatoes, and sliced celery.  You will also need a diced onion, medium in size, as well as two cups of egg noodles, two cups of turkey, and a chicken bouillon cube for every cup of water you use. 


You can use as much or as little water as you like to ensure that your turkey noodle soup has the flavor and consistency you like.

Once you have your ingredients together, start making the turkey noodle soup by adding your vegetables in a large pan, adding bouillon cubes, and covering everything with water.  Cook the soup on medium until the veggies start to get tender, which takes around twenty minutes, and then add in your noodles.  Cook for about ten minutes or until the noodles are starting to get soft, then add your turkey.  When the noodles are the right texture, simply remove the turkey noodle soup from the stove.

You are now ready to serve your turkey noodle soup.  Enjoy your delicious meal and appreciate the fact that you don’t have to spend another night eating plain reheated turkey again.

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