Making BBQ Turkey Sandwiches With Leftover Thanksgiving Turkey

Turkey is a very versatile meat and can be used in numerous different ways.  However, if you want an easy way to finish off your Thanksgiving leftovers, then BBQ turkey sandwiches can be a great way to go.  This simple recipe gives you the means to cut down on the amount of Thanksgiving turkey you have, while providing great taste at the same time.


For this recipe, you will need leftover Thanksgiving turkey, as well as olive oil, a bit of salt, pepper, minced garlic, your preferred BBQ sauce, some provolone cheese and your choice of bread, ideally fresh from the baker


To get started, heat some olive oil (extra virgin) in a frying pan.  Add your turkey to the pan, along with about half a teaspoon of salt and an equal amount of black pepper.  You should also add half a teaspoon of garlic now.


Stir your meat, allowing it to fry.  You will need to fry it for about fifteen minutes, or until the edges become crispy.  Remove your leftover Thanksgiving dish from the stove and add your BBQ sauce to the pan, stirring it well.  Top the mixture with several slices of provolone cheese, and then put a lid on the pan for about five minutes to let the cheese melt.


Once the cheese has melted, you can just use a spatula or a spoon to scoop out the mixture and put it on your bread.  You’ve now made an awesome BBQ turkey sandwich using those Thanksgiving leftovers.

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