Make a Classic Turkey Cranberry Sandwich With Thanksgiving Leftovers

It can take some time to finish all of those Thanksgiving leftovers, and that means you need some variety.  In addition to other meals made with leftover Thanksgiving turkey, you can enjoy a classic turkey cranberry sandwich.  This is a tangy delight for the taste buds and it’s enormously easy to make with a simple recipe.


You will need several grocery store ingredients to make this Thanksgiving leftover meal.  Obviously, you’ll need a couple of slices of bread.  You will also need some mayonnaise, as well as softened cream cheese, fresh cranberry sauce or relish, leftover Thanksgiving turkey meat and some lettuce.


Of course, you can choose to add much more to this delightful sandwich of leftovers from Thanksgiving.  You might like to add some red onion, or some sprouts.  Cucumbers and tomato are also popular toppings here.


To make this layered sandwich, spread some mayo on one slice of bread.  On the other, spread the softened cream cheese.  Now, just add your turkey, your cranberry sauce or relish and your other ingredients.  Serve your Thanksgiving turkey and cranberry sandwich warm with some potato chips, or any other side that you might prefer.


This sandwich is a great lunch option, and it’s much healthier than eating at a burger joint.  You will also find the combination of flavors here very refreshing.  Of course, you’ll be happy to see some of those Thanksgiving leftovers gone from your fridge as well. 


Get creative with your sandwich ideas and you’ll have many other options for getting rid of Thanksgiving turkey.

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