Are Sports Drinks More Hydrating Than Water During Exercise?

When you do any kind of exercise, it is very important that you stay hydrated.  The problem for many people, however, is knowing whether they should turn to water or pick up a few sports drinks to help them through the process.  Advertisements tell you that every talented athlete uses sports drinks during a workout, but many personal trainers tell you to opt for water.  Who is right?

The simple fact is that water is the natural option for moderate exercise.  Drinking water regularly as you exercise keeps you hydrated, keeps your muscles going longer by getting enough blood and nutrients to them, and lubricates your joints.  If you are dehydrated, a workout can actually be dangerous as it will put an increased strain on your heart.  

However, if your workout lasts more than an hour, sports drinks are the right choice.  They supply just enough calories to offer your body the continuous performance you are looking for.  Sports drinks can also replace sodium and other nutrients lost during your workout.  They are especially recommended during any exercise or activity that lasts more than three hours, such as endurance or marathon training.

Both water and sports drinks can be effective for exercise.  It all depends on your body and on the length of your workout.  The right beverage can certainly help to keep your body in better condition throughout your workout, and ensuring that you are always fully hydrated is key to better benefits and increased safety during all exercise.

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