How to Remove Mold and Mildew From Inside Your Home

Living with mold in your home is unhealthy, but many older homes or homes in wetter climates unfortunately have mold problems. The first step in making sure that your home is mold free is to get to know what mold looks like. Mold looks like big damp patches made up of many tiny black furry spots, which can grow quickly and spread if allowed to grow unchecked.


Mildew is a form of fungus that you will be able to get rid of on your own as it’s not as bad as fully-blown mold. Mildew appears on the surface of objects that frequently get wet and stay wet for long periods of time without drying properly, such as on the ceiling of your shower or beneath your fridge. Mildew can be black or green in color depending on the type of fungus you have. You can clean it off with bleach. Use a solution of one part bleach to eight parts water. Spray directly onto the affected are, then leave it to sit for at least an hour, preferably longer


If you leave mold or mildew too long, it will turn into fully-blown rot. Mold can rot and destroy almost anything, including wood and drywall, and it goes deep into the wall the longer it is allowed to grow. The most common forms of mold grow on or under linoleum or carpeting that is frequently soaked.


Whenever you are trying to remove the mold on your own, you will want to wear protective gear, including masks, goggles, and gloves. Mold is made of tiny spores which can cause lung damage if inhaled. You may also find you are allergic to mold and just being in the same room as mold will make you feel very ill. So be sure to open all windows and take proper precautions before you start work.


For a moldy carpet, once the mold has taken hold your carpet is lost. The only solution for advanced mold is to remove the carpet and dispose of it. Even a few spores left behind will start your problem off all over again. Once the carpet is gone, clean the floor beneath with a bleach solution. Allow to dry for at least 2 days before laying a new carpet.


To remove mold from walls, first establish how deep the mold has gone. You might have to open the wall and look inside. Anything affected will have to be removed and replaced, including insulation and drywall. Unless you have construction experience, this is best left to the pros. You can find a professional mold-removal expert by looking online or in your local directory.


For surface mold on your wall, simply spray with bleach solution, let it sit, then rinse off. Use hot water and be sure to thoroughly disinfect the area. Dry it with a hairdryer to kill any remaining mold spores. For after-care, be sure to dry the affected area if you see it has become wet. In your bathroom, this may mean making sure you have a separate towel to dry all surfaces after you or the kids has finished using it. This will prevent the mold from ever coming back.


If you find that you have a lot of mold in your home, you should probably contact a professional mold removal specialist. Certain types of mold can be dangerous, and you will want to make sure that your home is safe for you and your family. Installing proper home heating or an AC can in a lot of cases help, as you’ll be taking the damp out of the air and helping the air circulate properly inside your house, preventing mold from taking a hold again in future.

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