The Truth About Daycare Centers: What is Your Daycare Provider Hiding from You?

#1. Caregivers Are not Compensated Well


Many of the people that give your child regular care at the daycare center may not even have a high school degree.  The regulations of facilities can vary greatly, and some day cares may require that their staff have a college degree or specific licenses, but most do not.  In short, most of the people that interact with your child regularly are not paid well and will have a very high turnover rate.


#2. Your Secrets Are Not a Secret


Once your child learns to talk, anything that you say in the house may be repeated to the day care staff.  So, they already know all about the trip that you’re planning or that promotion you’re expecting at work.  They may get really good at feigning surprise, but odds are that if your child hears it, they already know about it.


#3. Security Is Too Relaxed or Too Tight


Some daycares have security cameras and strict safety measures that make you feel comfortable that your child is in a secure environment.  However, sometimes the cameras don’t actually work so anyone can come in whenever they want to.  Some daycares may have the opposite issue where their security is too tight, and it may be hard for you to visit as frequently as you would like.


#4. Your Child Is Not Their Favorite


While many daycare workers will compliment your child profusely, the truth is that your child may not be the favorite.  If your child has any behavioral issues, you will probably be notified, but you should also go into your daycare with your eyes open so that you can detect how your child is doing and how he or she is treated at daycare.

#5. Toys Are Not Necessarily Clean and Sanitized


It’s really difficult for a daycare to keep every toy sanitized whenever it changes hands.  It may be impossible for them to keep every toy clean, and they are probably not going behind every child and wiping down their toys every time they are touched.


#6. Your Baby is Not a Genius


Even if your child does some things before other children, by the time they are in the second grade, they will be at the same level as most of the other children in their class.  Although your day care providers probably won’t tell you that, they may not be convinced that your child is the next Einstein.


#7. Sick Kids Do Come to Day Care


Not everyone abides by the rules, and even if there are strict regulations at your daycare about when to keep your child at home, not everyone will follow them.  You should try to make sure that your daycare provider frequently reminds the other parents of their policies and that you always keep your child home when he or she is ill.


#8. A Licensed Day Care Can Still be Unsafe


A license only requires that a daycare provider meet the basic standards set forth by the state, so there may still be some areas where your provider can improve.  Your provider will have sufficient training, health, and safety protection, but it may not be enough.  You can inspect your child’s facility as often as you like to make sure that there are not any unsafe or hazardous places that your child can get hurt.


#9. They May Not Provide Healthy Foods


Health foods are not cost-effective so they are not always served at day care.  When you choose a provider, make sure to ask about the kind of food that they serve and how often they serve it so that you can make sure that your child is getting the best nutrition possible.


#10. You Can Stay With Your Child All Day Every Day at the Daycare


Many day care providers won’t tell you this, but if you want to, you can come and visit your child as often as you want.  You can even stay all day and watch what goes on if you have the time. 



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