Learn Which Baby Cribs Were Recalled in 2010 Was Your Crib Affected?

Did you know that thousands of cribs in the United States were recalled by their manufacturers in 2010? The crib recall mainly has to do with a modern convenience – the drop-side. Before the crib recall, many people enjoyed the benefits of this type of crib. Whether the side of the crib dropped down or folded out to a side, it allowed parents to get little ones into and out of the crib more easily. However, the crib recall information shows that these cribs can be extremely dangerous for children, which is now many of them are being recalled by their manufacturer.


Drop side cribs haven’t always been so popular. Most old-fashioned cribs were just cots or beds with tall sides. Others had a bottom piece that moved up or down, depending on the age of the child. Drop side cribs, though, can be convenient but potentially hazardous to your child’s life. The crib recall committee showed that thirty-two infant deaths prior to 2010 have been caused by drop side cribs before the crib recall.


How do drop side cribs cause infant deaths? The crib recall committee found these cribs aren’t as structurally sound. After lots of moves and reassemblies, the dropping side can start to pull away from the rest of the crib, creating a space into which infants can fall and be suffocated by bedding or their own bodies. This kind of crib gets more hazardous the younger the child it is used for, as young babies cannot support their own heads or move themselves if they fall into a position in which they cannot breathe. The drop side can also fall on top of a baby or toddler who is outside of the crib, causing severe injury.


It’s important to note that not all drop side cribs were part of this crib recall. Some models are more structurally sound than others. However, it seems likely that most drop side cribs will eventually fall under the crib recall. Before you purchase a new crib or set up your old one, make sure it doesn’t have a drop side. Regardless of make or model, you’d be best advised not to use these cribs period. This will provide you with the best protection you need to safeguard the life of your child.

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