What is the Caveman Diet?

The Caveman diet is a primal approach to eating healthy.  By following our ancestor’s eating habits, we can gain a deeper appreciation for foods in their natural state – the sweetness of fruits without added sugars, the crunchy texture of vegetables, the raw gratification of meats.  


The Caveman diet is a fairly simple one, but requires a bit of self-control and commitment.  It is very easy to personalize and can suit a number of different people wanting to achieve various weight loss goals.  Followed correctly, it can be an effective bolster to your exercise regime.  Throw in a few weekly hours in the swimming pool or at the gym, and you’re on your way to a healthier, more vibrant you.

What is the Caveman Diet?


A ‘cave-man’ here will refer to our ancestors living in the Paleolithic era who relied on a hunting and gathering lifestyle to acquire nourishment.  Agriculture had not been invented at this point, so foods like bread, white rice, and cakes are not part of the caveman diet.


Early humans did have fire, so cooking your food is still encouraged (however a few people would argue that cavemen ate raw meats).  Whole fruits and vegetables are a main part of the diet: berries, oranges, avocados, wild rice, corn, lettuce, etc.


Avoid all artificial ingredients, preservatives, and colors.  After a few weeks, your body should get adjusted to the natural flavors of foods and you will enjoy the foods more.


How to Follow the Diet


Timing of your meals isn’t as important in the Caveman diet.  Most other weight loss programs advocate 4-6 small meals spread out evenly per day with a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.  Humans of the Paleolithic era did not always have a stable source of food, especially protein.  Since they hunted meat, they could go days without certain foods.


In the caveman diet, ‘grazing’ is promoted throughout the day.  This is where you can snack on various healthy, raw foods any time you wish: nuts, apples, carrots, etc.  Avoid dried fruits snacks since the concentration of simple sugars are usually high.  


At night, you should eat one large meal filled with healthy proteins, some fats, whole fruits, and whole vegetables.  You should eat until your stomach tells you to stop – no counting calories.  For dessert, you may have unlimited fresh fruit such melon, peaches or pineapple.  No adding sugar or cream.  Stop eating only when you’re full… and that’s all there is to it.

The Benefits of the Caveman Diet


Once your body becomes ‘detoxified’ of artificial ingredients, you will adjust to the taste of natural foods.  After a couple of weeks you will start to enjoy food as an intimate experience; the smells, textures, colors, and tastes of healthy foods will satisfy your palate and body.  In the caveman diet, you are encouraged to skip the utensils and eat with your hands, bringing you closer to your food.


The point of the caveman diet is to enjoy food in its natural healthy state.  No need to add excess salts or sugars, or preservatives to make them last longer, or douse crunchy, tasty vegetables in calorific dressings that obliterate their true taste, while adding inches to your thighs.


Michael Emery, the main proponent of the Caveman diet, has a step by step strategy on his website www.cavemanpower.com. He outlines the best methods to start the Caveman diet and a guideline for what foods you should eat.


Although not for everyone, the Caveman diet can be a successful way to accomplish your fitness goals. 


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