What is Feng Shui and How Can it Help You Decorate?

Are you looking to create more harmony and relaxation in your home or in a particular room in your house?  Have you considered Feng Shui, but don’t like the idea of paying someone big money to tell you how to decorate?  Here are some easy to implement Feng Shui tips that can have your home feeling more peaceful quickly.

One of the most important home design elements of Feng Shui is simplicity.  Sure, that stack of bills might be there to remind you to pay them, but what about a nice non-stressful-looking folder to store them in?  Reducing clutter is one of the easiest ways to create balance, and getting rid of unnecessary things in your room (or hiding them from view) can make it much more peaceful.

Another thing essential to Feng Shui is elemental balance.  Do you have a number of wood furnishings?  Consider adding plants and a water feature as well as a few metal elements to your space.  Balancing out all of the elements helps create harmony and can implement the principles of Feng Shui quite easily.

Another simple home improvement step to improve Feng Shui is to keep the area around your front door as empty as possible.  This is the main entry point for energy into your home, and there should be no furniture blocking this flow.  Try to keep coats farther from the door and never keep an outdoor trash can near the front door. 

Feng Shui can have a remarkable impact on your happiness, and a clear entry portal for positive Qi or energy is absolutely essential.

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