How Ginger Can be Used to Treat Anorexia

Many people suffer from anorexia. This disorder statistically strikes teenage girls the most, but thousands of people of all ages and both genders suffer from this disorder each day. The good news is that there are natural ways to treat this very real illness. These natural methods can be very effective while remaining completely safe, with no negative side effects.

One of the most effective and proven methods to treat anorexia is in the form of ginger. The key to understanding why ginger is an effective way to treat anorexia is to know what causes the illness.

While the roots of anorexia may be in psychological or stress factors, the symptoms can include a loss of appetite that can be extremely hard to overcome. Even if a person wants to overcome the anorexia, they may not feel like eating, which causes further weight loss, which in turn shuts the body down even further. Ginger, in a tea or taken in a ground form, will help a person regain their appetite. Ginger is a potent stimulant which peps up and ‘awakens’ the digestive system.

Ginger is also given to people who are undergoing chemotherapy and have lost their appetite due to the chemo. Another great benefit is that it is a natural anti-nausea drug, which many people with anorexia and those undergoing chemotherapy may face on a daily basis.

The second problem of anorexia that ginger can help with is digestion. As the illness takes its toll, more systems of the body are affected. The digestive system does not work correctly, and makes it hard for the body to properly digest any nutrients. Ginger can aid in digestion by helping the body produce needed digestive enzymes, and bring the digestive system back to life.


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