Top Three Myths About Birth Control Pills Debunked

There are lots of debates and controversies surrounding birth control pills despite stepping into a technologically and scientifically advanced age. The myths that surround these birth control pills have led to a lot of women being unsure of using them or not knowing exactly what it might do to their bodies. Regardless of the sound research proving the safety of birth control pills, there are still quite a lot of questions about its effects and who is to take what type of pills. Here are three of the top myths surrounding birth control pills debunked:

  • Birth control pills can have residual effects in the form of congenital disabilities in the child

While all forms of birth control pills go through various tests before being approved as safe and effective for consumption, as with any form of medication, there are certain possible side effects. But, congenital disabilities or any form of developmental delay does not occur as a result of just taking birth control pills. There is no proven record that a woman on the pill will end up with a child who has such extreme adverse effects. 

  • The practice of taking birth control pills to manage heavy menstrual cycles is unsafe 

In order to understand how the pill works, it is also important to understand how it affects the hormones and the menstrual cycle. When a woman is on the pill, the ovaries are prevented from releasing the egg, and the uterus lining that usually grows thick for implantation of the egg also does not change. There is something called the withdrawal bleed that women will face at the end of every monthly pack of birth control pills, and that is not really the menstrual cycle bleeding. There are some cases, where the women will not even get the withdrawal bleed despite being on the pill for a longer duration. While the best course of treatment for extremely heavy periods differs from person to person, birth control pills are often taken as a solution to delay them without any critical side effects. Sometimes, women are prescribed these medications in order to avert a menstrual cycle that can otherwise be painful and disruptive to their life due to the complications that it causes. 

  • A woman’s fertility is compromised when on the pill

This is at the top of the list of myths about birth control pills because there has been no record of the pill being the cause for infertility issues. On the contrary, birth control pills are absolutely safe and there is no particular ”grace period” after stopping taking the pill wherein one cannot get pregnant. While some women get back onto their normal menstrual cycle and start ovulating right after stopping the pill, it can take a few months in other cases to get to that normal cycle. This is not necessarily an effect of the pill, and most often women who have issues with fertility are ones who have had menstrual cycle issues even before actually getting on the pill. 

There are multiple other myths about birth control pills still being believed by women like the pills will affect one’s mood and personality, or that they cause abortions. It is essential to consult one’s gynecologist and get these myths debunked before beginning to use the pill.

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