How to Celebrate Father’s Day as a Dad

Dads have it hard.  They are expected to protect and nurture their family while supporting them both emotionally and financially.  They must set good examples for their children which means sacrificing many things they enjoy.  Can you imagine how hard it is for them to switch from a football game in the last quarter to a rerun of Sponge Bob Square Pants?


All your hard work as a dad will eventually pay off when you see your child graduate from high school and go on to college, or when they walk down the aisle to start a family of their own.  But those moments are years ahead.  For now, at least you have one day where the focus is on you – Father’s Day.   Here is how you should celebrate Father’s day as a Dad.


5. Rent Old War Movies


Being a father means being constantly stripped from your masculinity (especially if you’re married), so get back some your macho-ness by watching the best war movies ever made.  Few things in this world are better than explosions, gore, and fighting all wrapped into a two hour flick.  If you have small children this may not be the best idea.  Try: Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, To Hell and Back, Deer Hunter, Predator, Die Hard, Apocalypse Now, and of course First Blood.


4. Eat


You want your children to be as healthy as possible, so you tell them to eat their fruits and veggies every day.  Since you know that actions speak louder than words, you force yourself to set a good example by eating the broccoli and green peas on your plate whilst quietly dying inside just a little bit as you dream of steak fries and big juicy burgers.


On Father’s day, you get a free pass from low-calorie, high-fiber diets.  Go to the grocery store and search for the longest brat you can find.  Load it with salt and deep fry that sucker.  Go all out and boil it in your favorite beer.  Low fat cheddar-cheese?  No thank you, give me the kind you squeeze out of a tube.


Steaks, pizzas, burgers, tacos, hot wings, and of course a twelve pack of Sam Adams is the best way to indulge on Father’s Day.


3. Drink


If women have a love affair with their favorite chocolate, men have a love affair with their favorite brew.  While you’re at the store loading your cart, check out the alcohol aisle and pick up your favorite drinks.  Beers are always a good choice, but since it’s your day go for some nice whiskey or cognac as well.  If you can get away with it, swing by a smoke shop and grab an expensive cigar.


2. Ignore Work


Fathers are constantly on overdrive since they have much more responsibility than the average man.  Appreciate the fact that today is about you and try to relax.  Take your mind off of work and any other obligations and look at Father’s Day a mini-vacation.  This allows you to do #1 on our list.


1. Spend Time With Family


Despite how much you would like to pretend otherwise, you know deep down inside that you love your children more than you can imagine.  The best way to spend Father’s day is to just spend time with your kids.  Lug your 2 foot bratwurst out to the park and have a family picnic.  Take your kids out to see a long-awaited movie. 


Being a Father is much more than having a day to celebrate – it is being there for all the little (and big) moments that make up your children’s lives, and being there to guide and comfort them.


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