How to Train Your New Puppy the Easy Way

The arrival of a new puppy in your household can be great cause for excitement.  Dogs are incredibly loving and entertaining creatures, and they can bring new life into any household.  With a new dog, however, comes the need for puppy training, and the sooner you begin the better.  Let’s look at some tips to help you learn when and how to start training your new puppy.

Puppy training should start as soon as he or she comes home.  Teaching your dog right way that there are certain times for meals and that jumping on people is wrong can help prevent major problems in the future.  Another important part of puppy training is ensuring that your puppy has a place that he or she can call their own. Set up their things in a spare room or in a pen in the corner of one room. This space should be warm and quiet and should provide the puppy with a safe haven if they need a break from the kids or get scared by anything.

Potty training your puppy should also start as early as possible.  You should know that this aspect of puppy training will not have instant results, but that with proper dedication, you will get the job done.  Take the puppy outside to a grassy area numerous times daily at regular intervals. Stand there with them for ten minutes whether they ‘go’ or not, then take them back inside. Eventually the pup will relive itself outside by accident, and when that happens be sure to be ready to offer treats and praise. The pup will soon get the message that ‘going outside’ will get it a reward, and will be willing to perform on demand in future!  

Puppy training also involves teaching your dog to follow specific commands, such as sit and stay.  Offering these commands and offering a treat whenever the dog is exhibiting the behavior already makes puppy training easier, and helping your dog understand what is wanted by offering praise when the result is achieved is quite helpful.  If your dog has problems learning to sit, press gently on his or her hindquarters to help him learn the proper position. Or hold a treat up above it’s nose, and slowly raise it. as they lift their head higher and higher to look at it, most dogs will naturally sit. At this point, give them the treat while repeating the word ‘sit.’ They’ll soon get the message.


Likewise, teaching the dog to lie down can be as simple as holding the treat at floor level and waiting for the dog to get into position before offering it. Gently guide the dog into position if he or she chooses to bend over rather than lying down.


Puppy training when teaching your dog to stay requires the use of a firm voice, followed by praise when the command has been properly followed.  Never hit or strike an animal or it will quickly become fearful of you, which may lead to future aggression and personality problems. You must learn that dogs do not understand the concept of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ behavior, as these are uniquely human cultural sensibilities. However, dogs do understand the links between cause and effect, and will quickly learn which behaviors will gain reward and which will get a scolding. Tell the dog firmly to stay each time he or she moves, and learning to hold still when the command is uttered will be much quicker.

With the right level of dedication, puppy training is easy.  All you really need to do is to determine what rules you would like to set and encourage your puppy to follow them.  Reward good behavior and simply move the puppy when it is misbehaving.  With enough time, your dog will learn what is expected and you will find that your puppy training has been a complete success. Your reward will be a happy, well-adjusted dog who will be your best friend for many years to come. 

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