The Top 5 Thriller Novels of All Time

When it comes to a great read, there is nothing quite as gripping as an edge-of-your-seat Thriller novel.  From the works of Stephen King to the spy thrillers by Ian Fleming and John Le Carre, there are plenty to choose from.  Here are some of the best classic thriller novels for adults.


‘The Shining’ by Stephen King follows the life of Jack Torrance, who is a writer and an alcoholic.  He is possessed by a demonic spirit whilst on vacation with his family in a hotel while trying to put his life back together.  To date it is still one of the creepiest novels ever written.


The Silence of the Lambs‘ is another immortal classic thriller novel.  This book follows serial killer Hannibal Lechter as he helps FBI agent Clarice Starling solve a kidnapping by a man named Buffalo Bill.  Hannibal is based on the real-life serial killer Ed Gein.

Jaws‘ is a shark themed thriller novel by author Peter Benchley.  This novel, like the others on this list, was immortalized in film, but it stands out as one of the best thriller novels in the genre.

Of course, for a true example of classic thriller novels, one needs look no further than ‘War Of The Worlds‘ by HG Wells.  This was the first real thriller novel to be introduced, and was released to worldwide acclaim, giving birth to what is now one of the most popular genres in modern literature.

Thriller novels have long been popular, but these titles stand out on even the most varied bookshelves.  Read them today, and you’ll see why they are so popular.

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