Quick and Effective Potty Training Techniques

Potty training your child can be a very rewarding experience, and when your child is ready, they will be able to learn how to use the potty within just a few weeks or months.


There are a few things that you should do to prepare for potty training your child.  Here’s a brief list.


#1. Make Sure That Your Child is Ready for Potty Training


First up, it is very important that your child is physically and mentally capable of using the potty.  There are a few ways that you will be able to tell that your child is ready to learn.  Your child may frequently have dry diapers, and this will show you that they can ‘hold it’ for a little while.  If your child tells you when he or she is ‘making potty’ in his or her diaper, this can indicate that your child is aware of what it feels like to go to the bathroom.


If you make sure that your child is ready to potty train, then you will have a much better experience because it can take quite a bit longer if your child is not ready.


#2. Purchase a Special Potty and Underwear for Your Child


You need to give your child a potty that they can use easily and give them lots of praise whenever they try to use it.  Most infant supply stores and department stores have dozens of different types and designs – make your child a part of the process by asking him or her to pick out their favorite potty. 


You will also need to purchase a couple of packs of underwear for your child in the beginning so that when they have accidents, you will not have to be constantly washing their underwear.  Make sure that both the underwear and the potty are comfortable and attractive to your child so that they feel good about potty training.


#3 Give Your Child Lots of Praise and a Special Treat


When your child uses the potty, you need to make it a celebration.  Let your child have a special sticker on a fun ‘Potty Chart’ or a piece of candy to let them know that they did something right when using the potty.  With lots of positive reinforcement and encouragement, you can make potty training a better experience for you and your child.  It will also help them learn more quickly if you can give make potty training a fun and exciting game rather than yet another thing they have to learn.


#4 Take Your Child to the Potty as Often as Possible


Anytime that your child looks like he or she might need to go to the bathroom, take them straight to the potty and wait so that they can learn where to go when they need to use the bathroom.  Establish a routine and go to the potty as frequently as you need to, and if your child is ready, they will quickly be able to understand what it feels like when they need to go to the bathroom.  Remember to give your child a lot of praise anytime that they use the potty.


#5. Keep a Positive Attitude Even When Your Child Has an Accident


Potty training can take some time, but if you encourage your child and always stay positive even when he or she has an accident, he or she will be much more willing to learn how to go in the potty.  If there is an accident, don’t make your child feel bad, just clean it up and encourage him or her to try again later.



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