Budget Outings How To Find And Enjoy Your Local Art Museum

When you live near an art museum, whether you are passionate about art or not, you should really check it out at least once. With the myriad of different types of art that are on display throughout the world in local museums, you are bound to find something at your local art museum that catches your interest and inspires, exhilarates and uplifts you. Here are a few ways that you can tap into local culture and find excitement in your hometown.

Step 1 – Become a member

Look into obtaining membership to the art museum. Again, regardless of your level of interest in art, with the thousands of paintings and sculptures available to view in each city and town, you are bound to find something you love. Becoming a member at an art museum can get you free admission, discounts on admission into special exhibits, discounts at the gift shop, and special invites to lectures. Plus, through membership to an art museum you are supporting the arts for future generations to explore.

Step 2 – Bring the kids

Yes, you read that right. By bringing your children, you’ll hopefully spark an interest in creative expression and introduce them to a culture outside of the ‘regular’ mainstream world of Media Culture – AKA, TV, radio, magazines and computer games. Show your monster-loving little one a painting of a fire-breathing dragon painted 500 years ago, and watch his expression! I
t is exhilarating to see art through another person’s perspective and it’s always great to expose your children to art at an art museum to aid in their creative development.

Step 3 – Become an expert!

Pick a favorite piece of art and research it. Getting to know about an artist really helps you appreciate and understand their work. Studying the artist can help you embrace your favorite piece of work and find passion in your next trip to the art museum. If you are in any way artistically inclined yourself, you may find the inspiration to unlock a hidden part of yourself and be inspired to bring it out on canvas yourself! 

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