How to Repair a Wood Framed Screen

When your screen has a wooden frame, replacing it is certainly going to be trickier than it is with metal models.  The good news, however, is that the job can be done by you.  Let’s look at how to replace a wood framed screen.  All you will need is a replacement screen, a square, a screwdriver, a few screws, and a utility knife.

Use your screwdriver to remove the trim molding and remove the old screws.  Pry out the staples fastening the screen in place, and then remove it.  When this is done, cut the screen a few inches wider and longer than the frame, and staple one end to the bottom of the frame.  Now stretch the screen as taut as possible, screwing or stapling it along the way to hold it firmly in place.

A great idea is to use a wedge to hold the top end of the screen, and to pull it as taut as possible.  Remember that you do not want it to be loose.  When it is as tight as can be, you will be ready to staple it into place.  Once it is taut and has been stapled into place, you are ready to attach it back to the frame of the door. 

Put the finished screen into place, and trim any excess material.  When finished, simply replace your trim molding with finishing nails.  With this step complete, you have now repaired your door, and can congratulate yourself on a job well done.

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