6 Major Indicators Of Acid Reflux

How often have you felt a burning sensation in your chest after having a hearty meal? If it’s quite often, then it’s probably due to acid reflux. When the acid in the stomach flows back to the esophagus, i.e., the food pipe, through the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is located between the stomach and esophagus. 

Frequent acid reflux is a potential indication of gastroesophageal reflux disease, which can lead to serious health complications such as esophagitis, Barrett’s esophagus, and esophageal cancer. Having an idea of the various symptoms can help in better management of acid reflux. The most common ones include

Heartburn is the first and most common symptom. Unlike the esophagus, your stomach is protected from the corrosive effects of internal acid. When the LES fails to prevent the backflow of the acid from the stomach to the esophagus, you may experience a burning sensation in your chest. However, the severity of burning doesn’t indicate temporary or permanent injury to the esophagus.

It is the feeling of liquid or food moving up in your throat, which may even result in vomiting. But this is a rare outcome in adults. You also do not need to worry if your baby vomits due to regurgitation since many pediatrics suggest that such symptoms of acid reflux are common among infants under 18 months.

Sour taste
Those who have acid reflux generally feel not only a burning sensation in the chest but also end up with a sour taste. The backflow of stomach acid into the food pipe can reach the throat or your mouth, causing bitterness in the tongue.

Sore throat
Apart from a sour taste, frequent backflow of stomach acid can cause irritations in your throat. Its symptoms include a hoarse voice and the sensation of a lump in your throat. 

There are also a few symptoms that may require a doctor’s intervention, such as

If you experience an uncomfortable burning sensation in the upper-middle part of your stomach, it might be due to indigestion, which is also known as dyspepsia. Along with heartburn, dyspepsia has the ability to cause bloating and nausea. It is also a symptom of another disorder called peptic ulcer disease. The ulcers can cause occasional bleeding and burrow all the way through the stomach.

Difficulty in swallowing, or dysphagia, is one of the severe symptoms of acid reflux. PubMed suggests that one in 25 adults in the country experience this symptom. Dysphagia could also be caused due to stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer. So, be sure to visit a doctor if you’ve been experiencing any of these symptoms.

Some of the symptoms of acid reflux are similar to those of serious cardiac conditions. So, seek emergency medical treatment if your symptoms are worse than normal heartburn, chest pain, and a tightening sensation in your chest.

It is important to know different triggers so that you can avoid acid reflux in the future. Some common food triggers include tomato ketchup, chocolate, mint, garlic, and onion. Most of these symptoms can be managed through lifestyle and dietary changes. Maintaining a healthy weight and elevating the head of your bed by inserting wedges under your mattress can also provide relief from acid reflux symptoms. Doctors also advise against lying down immediately after a meal as it can hinder the digestion process cause acid reflux.

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