How to Treat and Prevent Cold Sores

Cold sores are not just uncomfortable; they can be downright embarrassing because they show up on your lips where everyone can see them. It’s hard (if not impossible) to conceal them using makeup, and they can last for several weeks.


Since cold sores are caused by a mild form of the herpes virus that stays in your system, and once you have them, you can expect to have issues with them throughout your life. You can catch them by kissing an infected person who is having an attack, but you can also ‘inherit’ them from your parents who have them. However, with some easy advice, you can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.

The first step to getting rid of a cold sore is to learn to spot the symptoms of an impending attack, and start treatment as soon as you see the first signs of them. If you have had trouble with cold sores in the past, then you probably know those beginning symptoms – the tingle on your lip which soon turns to itchiness, then the sore breaks out. Once cold sores appear, you must do everything you can to prevent yourself (or anyone else) from touching them. Your hands can spread germs to the cold sores and irritate them more, or you can transfer them to another person.

In addition, in order to get rid of your cold sores, you will need to keep them clean. You can do this with a soft wash cloth, a gentle soap and warm water. Do not use acne washes because these can be too abrasive on the sores.

To help get rid of your cold sores once they appear, use a spot treatment that includes zinc. This zinc will help to heal up your cold sores quickly and easily. There are also many topical medications available without a prescription which can stop them from turning into a sore if applied when you first feel the warning signs.

To prevent cold sores reappearing, there’s only one rule – take care of yourself. Cold sores (like the common cold) appear more frequently when you are tired, stressed, and run down. This is because stress lowers your immune system, which allows the virus to gain a hold and break through your body’s defenses. Simple things like making the effort to get a good night’s sleep, eating right and doing all you can to minimize stress can make attacks less frequent.

When you start to get a cold sore, remember that you can start taking care of it – and yourself – right away. Cold sores do not have to rule your life. With just a few steps, you can get rid of your cold sore quickly and without fuss.

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