Relationship 101: Understanding Her Hints

When men want something, they pursue it with precise focus and full effort.  In order to hunt the buffalo for sustenance or battle the bear for territory, man has a unique ability to channel their strength to overcome a major feat.  We like to dominate in the physical realm.

On the other hand, women are subtle and emotional creatures, with finesse and grace which gives them the intellectual ability to achieve their goals without even lifting a finger.  A subtle smile or a well-timed flick of the hair can cause a car accident, but most men do not know how to ‘read’ a woman well enough to know what that flick of the hair was really saying.


With these two different approaches to life, it’s hard to get both men and women on the same level of understanding.  If you are interested in dating a woman, recognizing her hints can get you one step ahead of the game, and well on your way to getting a first date with her. 


Signs of Attraction #3: Open Body Language


When a woman is attracted to someone, she probably will not be straightforward about it like men are.  You need to look for specific signs to see if your charm is effective.  When she is talking to you at the bar or restaurant, pay attention to her body language.  She may open herself up to you by turning in your direction.  She may cross her legs with the toe of her top leg pointing at you, or draw attention to her hair by playing with it.  She may smile more than usual, with her teeth showing. (Unless she has bad teeth, then a closed mouth smile means she is humoring you and is not interested).


Often, it’s hard to decipher these small actions if you are not used to looking for them.  If you want to test her receptiveness to you, try getting a little bit closer by scooting your chair or leaning in when talking.  If she isn’t attracted to you, her body language will tell you.  She’ll fold her arms (closed body language) or lean slightly away.


Sign of Attraction #2:She Will Engage You in Conversation


Women will listen to someone if they are flirting.  If you have her undivided attention and she is laughing at your jokes, you are on the right track.  A good sign is if she is asking questions and responding with true insight rather than giving you short, bland replies.  Uninterested women will be looking around for a distraction or will try to end the conversation abruptly.  Don’t try to force awkward or unnatural conversation as it makes things uncomfortable and stale.


Sign of Attraction #1:She Will Seek You Out on Social Networking Sites


Since it’s the 21st century, fewer people are having real conversations, instead opting for Facebook or texts.  Unlike what most people say, I believe technology has significantly helped the dating scene.  Guys can be more upfront because getting denied through text or on their computer is a lot less daunting than in person.  Plus, it’s easier to figure out if she is interested in you.


When using Facebook etc, you’ll know if she’s interested in you because she’ll send you a friend request soon after you meet.  If she does this, it is best to then message her one on one.  Don’t make your game public by posting on her wall, especially if you don’t know if she’s dating someone else. 


If she is interested, she will keep the conversation going by responding with open ended questions.  If she’s really interested, she’ll start telling you more about herself by volunteering information and telling you little stories about her life or experiences.  If she responds with one word answers or doesn’t respond at all, take the hint.  Never message her more than 3 consecutive times or your will look desperate, even creepy.

Texts follow similar rules.  Try to ask open ended questions and if she responds enthusiastically, she most likely is interested.  Eventually you are going to have to call and/or meet up with her, and you can use the in-person rules for that.  Good luck!

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