How to Remove a Tomato Sauce Stain

A tomato sauce stain on your carpet looks bad no matter how you try to hide it.  Tomato sauce can also be incredibly difficult to get out.  The good news, however, is that you can remove the stain without getting new carpet or needing to bring in a professional carpet cleaner

The first thing that you should do is gently scoop any extra sauce from your carpet.  Be certain not to spread the stain.  Start at the outside and work towards the middle to make this easier.  Using a vacuum, you can also pull out any extra sauce.  Using paper towels, blot out any sauce that you can get to come up, but be careful not to rub so that the sauce doesn’t spread the stain.

After first testing in an inconspicuous area for colorfastness, pour white vinegar onto the stain and allow it to sit for around twenty minutes.  When this time has elapsed, blot the stain.  Rinse with cold water and blot the stain again.

If vinegar is not colorfast on your carpet, you may be able to use Oxi-Clean or even warm dish soap to help get the stain out.  Finding a product that won’t damage your carpet is essential.  Be certain that you always take the time to check any product for colorfastness before using. 

Once you have the right products to clean with, getting a tomato sauce stain out of your carpet can be easy.

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