How to Remove an Ink Stain From Carpet

Do you have a stubborn ink stain in your carpet that just won’t come out?  If so, you have likely considered trying almost anything to clean it.  Don’t settle for hiding the stain with a rug or paying a fortune to a carpet cleaning company, you can get it out yourself with these easy tips.

Before using any cleaning products, it is important that you test them in an inconspicuous area, such as a corner or beneath your baseboards.  This will ensure that the carpet is colorfast and is recommended even for standard household products. 

If your carpet is colorfast against peroxide, it can be a great way to remove an ink stain.  Hairspray is also incredibly effective and is typically better on colored carpets.  Vinegar works in many instances as well to help remove an ink stain.

When you treat a stain with any of these products, first apply the cleaner and then blot the stain with a paper towel or cloth.  Do not rub, as you can cause the stain to spread. 


Getting ink out of your carpet is a delicate task, and you may find that it takes multiple applications.  The key is to be patient and not get overzealous with your cleaning.  Once the bulk of the stain has been removed, a steam cleaner can often help you remove excess ink without spreading the stain around the room. These can be cheaply rented from your local drugstore or hardware store.

Getting rid of an ink stain in your carpet can be frustrating, but with the right products, it can be done very quickly and cheaply.

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