Simple Tips To Help You Clean Your Floors Fast

A dirty floor can be a real pain to clean without getting down on your knees and scrubbing. You may opt for the popular option of a mop, but in some cases, you may just end up diluting the mess and spreading it around around rather than actually cleaning it up. You may also find yourself putting way too much effort into a simple task because of using the wrong techniques. Here’s how to make things a little easier on yourself.


Cleaning a floor quickly and easily starts with using the right materials for that floor. Make sure that the cleaner you’re using is suitable for the surface, and is able to get tough stains up. Invest in a good quality modern mop with a squeegee on the end, rather than one of the old-fashioned rag mops (whose fibers can harbor germs and whose mop-head provides the perfect moist breeding ground for germs when not in use.)


If you’re cleaning a hardwood floor, warm water, a soft and a pair of rubber gloves are your best friends. Buy a waterproof plastic cushion to kneel on if you knees aren’t what they used to be. Stains that are stubborn can usually be worked out with a bit of effort. Wipe the floor down with a dry cloth and you’re done. Stronger cleaners may damage the floor and, in some cases, strip off the floor covering. In some cases, it may be easier to vacuum these surfaces than it is to sweep them. Vacuuming sucks up the dirt. Brooms tend to kick it up in the air and to push it around the floor, which can make the entire project take longer and become more of a hassle.


Your kitchen floors are oftentimes the worst floors of all to clean. If you have linoleum, the best way to address stains is simply to get to them quickly. The faster you get something off the floor, the less likely it is to create a permanent stain. On a carpeted floor, a commercial cleaner is the fastest way to clean it, by far. Home steamers tend to take longer because they have less power, and because they need to be emptied more frequently and hold less cleaning agent. For a tiled floor, buy a mop with a scrubbing brush or scouring pad on one side and a sponge on the other. Work over the whole floor with a bucket of hot water with a squeeze of washing up liquid or floor cleaner, and you’ll be good to go. 

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