How to Make Latkes for Your Hanukkah Meal

Are you looking to cook a kosher meal for your family this Hanukkah and hoping to add latkes to the list of offerings?  Latkes are a famous traditional dish eaten in commemoration of the oil that burned for eight days in the holy temple.  Here is a great recipe for traditional latkes that is easy to follow and prepare.

You will need: 

Five potatoes
Two onions
Three eggs
A teaspoon of salt
A quarter teaspoon of pepper
Three quarters cup of all purpose flour
Enough canola oil to fry the pancakes

First, peel your potatoes.  As you peel each one, place them in a bowl or pan of cold water so they won’t go brown.  When all of the potatoes are peeled, drain them and put them into a food processor along with your peeled onions.  Use the pulse setting until the mixture is smooth, then drain it well through a sieve.  Pour the mixture into a bowl and add in your eggs, salt, and pepper.  Put in just enough flour to hold the entire mixture together. 

Next, heat some canola oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat.  You are now ready to fry your latkes.  Drop about a quarter cup of your mixture into the oil and flatten it slightly.  Fry for a few minutes on each side until it is a nice golden brown and fully cooked.  Drain the latkes on a paper towel and continue until you have used all of the mixture.  

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