Dangerous Over the Counter Supplements to Avoid

Staying healthy is an important responsibility to most people.  People are always looking for new and improved health supplements that they can take, but some of the supplements on the market today are not helpful at all.  In fact, some of the products you can buy at any drugstore or health food store are actually capable of doing more harm than good.  It is always a good idea to use caution when you are taking supplements of any kind, just to be on the safe side.


What are some of these dangerous supplements though?  For instance, Chaparral is a medicinal herb, but it can cause a number of kidney and liver problems if the wrong dosage is taken.  Another supplement that can cause problems is aconite, which contains poisonous chemicals that can build up in the body if used long term. 


Bitter Orange can speed up the heart rate and cause high blood pressure if not used sparingly and with caution.  Some people use it for weight loss because it speeds up the metabolism similar to the now banned ephedra.  However, it is too dangerous to take without knowing or following the correct dosage, and may lead to heart attacks and stroke.  In fact, many doctors are advising people to stay away from all weight loss products that cause increased heart rate. 


These are only a few of the supplements that can cause serious health problems.  Some of the supplements on the drugstore shelves can offer great benefits, but you need to be careful of what you take.  Whenever you are considering adding any supplement to your diet, you should talk it over with your doctor or another healthcare professional first.  Find out any hidden fine print about different vitamin supplements, and do your own research online on a reputable FDA approved website.

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