Top 3 Deadliest Foods in the World

When you think of the best foods in the world, you likely think only of those that are delicious and safe.  For many people, however, there is a thrill involved in trying some of the world’s deadliest food items.  Whether you would consider this a great idea or are just fascinated by the notion of it, here are some of the world’s most dangerous food items.


Puffer Fish


Fugu is a popular item in Japanese cuisine.  This pricey dish is made from the puffer fish, and if prepared incorrectly, it can be quite deadly.  Even when properly made, it causes the diner to feel drunk and even makes the lips go numb.  To serve the dish, a chef must be licensed, and more than 60 percent of people who take the exam fail.



For another potentially dangerous food dish, consider Ackee, which is Jamaica’s national fruit.  This dish can make people very sick if it is served before it is fully ripened.  While this might not sound so bad, consider that it is common enough that the natives and local doctors actually have a name for it, “Jamaican Vomiting Sickness.”  In some cases, it can even be fatal.




Cassava, a food ingredient found in Africa and South America, contains enough cyanide to be lethal if not properly prepared, yet it is used in many dishes. You won’t find this ingredient at your local supermarket!


The fascination with potentially deadly food seems to span the globe.  While it may not appeal to everyone, there are many who travel the globe just to try out these crazy dishes.  If you are looking for food with a real bite, these dishes certainly can provide it!

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