Why Faddy Diets Ruin Your Ability to Lose Weight

When you read about the latest celebrity diet or see an infomercial about the newest “doctor recommended” diet, it can be easy to consider.  Believe it or not, however, faddy diets are among the absolute worst ways to lose weight.  If you want to take off the pounds, simple diet and exercise changes are best.

When you take on faddy diets, you are doing a number of things to your body.  In many cases, you are depriving yourself of foods that you love.  This is certainly not healthy, and is bound to lead to cravings… which leads to eating more of those foods than before they were forbidden. 


When you try to lose weight through faddy diets, you are also typically asked to give up foods that contain things you need, such as whole grains or carbs.  Remember that no food is inherently bad when enjoyed in moderation. 

The desire to lose weight has led to the creation of far too many faddy diets.  You need an option that is safer and healthier for you.  It is incredibly common for people on fad diets to end up gaining considerably more weight than they ever lose on the regimen. This is because if you are constantly hungry, the body thinks it is starving, so it reprograms itself to store weight.  Each time you diet, the better your body gets at storing fat. 


You would be glad of this ability if it were 10,000 years ago and you only got to eat once a week, but in modern affluent times, it is a recipe for a health disaster.


The guidelines for nutrition are not going to change because some diet guru says that something else is healthier.  If you really want to lose weight, following the FDA pyramid and adding more exercise is simply the best choice.

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